COVID-19 Information
Our providers and staff at Commerce Internal Medicine are working together to keep our patients healthy and office environment as clean as possible during this pandemic.
We are now conducing Telemedine appointments for sick visits or if you do not feel comfortable coming to the office. Please call our office at 249-363-1500 to schedule a Telemedicine appointment.
We are screening patients via Telemedicine who have concerning symptoms including cough, fever, and shortness of breath. We will then direct you to the proper resources to get screened for COVID-19 if deemed necessary.
Below are resources for COVID-19 for more information and to get screened if necessary:
Beaumont Curbside Testing Hotline- 248-551-7000 (M-F 7-7 and Sat, Sun 10-6)
DMC Hotline- 888-362-3370
State of Michigan: 888-535-6136
Oakland County: 248-858-1000
Centers for Disease Control: 800-232-4636
Thank you for your cooperation!